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In memory!All about lindsay!Lindsay's Cancer Jou...Lindsay loved PUGS!
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Lindsay lived her life to the fullest. She was just an ORDINARY girl that God used in an EXTRAORDINARY way. She was the baby of our family, she has a sister and a brother. She was very spoiled and loved by everyone.
Lindsay was beautiful and could have been conceited and full of herself, but she wasn't. She was nice to everyone and would stand up for kids who got picked on. I believe she was elected Homecoming Queen because of how genuine she was. She loved her family, friends, cheerleading, shopping and of course her little pug Bruno. She was deeply in love and it broke my heart that he was unable to love her back the way she deserved.

 She was healthy and happy and unaware that God was soon going to choose her life for his ultimate purpose. How great is our God that even in sickness and death he can accomplish great things for his glory.

She may not have accomplished a lot in her eighteen years on this earth, but I am certain that  her death had an impact on many.  I believe that God used this to open the eyes and ears and hearts of people around her.

Lindsay is now in Heaven with Jesus! My prayer is for anyone who knew and loved Lindsay to use her battle with cancer as a living example of how short this life really is, you may get a few more years but  you will pass on also. Come to repentance and find salvation that is only found at the foot of the cross. JESUS! 

Cancer is horrible, but by the grace of God it  can also be a blessing, it touches the lives of others and it allows the person time to prepare their heart for eternity. Dont get me wrong I wish my family had not gone down this road, but I can now see it for what it really is. In the bible Jesus healed a blind man and his disciples asked him who sinned the blind man or his parents that he was born blind. Jesus said neither this man nor his parents sinned, "but this happened so that the Work of God might be displayed in his life".
Down below is a verse from a song that I love, I do feel like cancer is a blessing in disguise. Better to lose your physical life and gain eternity, who knows how Lindsay's life would have turned out! As I reflect on it I trust God completely, he sees the whole picture and I only see the here and now! I am selfish, I wanted to keep her here with me.
“Life is filled with things you don’t expect, but the Bible tells us to respond by trusting God and continuing to worship him”

The song blessings by Laura Story!

What if your blessings come through raindrops? What if your healing comes through tears?
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know you’re near?
What if trials of this life are your Mercies in Disguise?

God Bless!