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In memory!All about lindsay!Lindsay's Cancer Jou...Lindsay loved PUGS!
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jeannie aunt June 22, 2017

I love and miss you


A friend Miss You June 4, 2013
Just thinking about you a lot lately. Miss your beautiful smile and bubbly personality!
Cousin Nathan My lovely cousin December 15, 2011
Lindsay,Oh dear Lindsay you were taken two years ago and its just not FAIR! I wish I could go back to that day so I could see your face again, but I don't know why god would take you so soon.  It was to early for a girl your age to go to heaven. And if I had a chance to do it again I would spend every second I had with you.  We will see each other again someday. I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SOOO MUCH LINDSAY!!!
Cousin Nikki memories December 15, 2011
Lindsay, I have so many memories of you.  When I asked you to be my flower girl in my wedding you were so happy.  You even picked out a dress that looked just like mine.  You were the prettiest flower girl I have ever seen.  You had so much fun that night and I am so glad that I got to spend that time with you.  I love you LINDSAY ROSE!!
heidi cizio A BEAUTIFUL HEART December 8, 2011
I'm glad you lived your life to the fullest .you are a beautiful child of god and we will all meet again some day .I know everyone misses you terribly. what a beautiful person inside and out you were. rest in peace angel.
kaitlyn holcomb


Lindsay Rose oh how missed you are. Its another holiday without you here and we just cant celebrate them without you. It just doesn't feel the same. Last year on the 4th we had a family party and you took pictures on the deck with your cousins. We sat by the fire and dad and Jordan let off the fireworks. You had so much fun. Now I cant even watch any fireworks it hurts too bad. I just want all the holidays to go away. Thank God there is church today because it is my only source of comfort right now. Missing you terribly and sending my love up to you in Heaven. I will see you soon. Love Mom!


lindsay, lindsay, spinsay. The ONLY friend I've ever had where we ALWAYS had soo much fun. I loved hanging out with you because we always got what we want. Your mom could never say no to you, and hanging out with her was always funny (yelling out of her car window at people on the street). With my parents, they loved you so much, and gave us whatever we asked for whenever we were around. No matter how much all of our trips to the wavepool, or to pias, or to the mall, or to CVS cost. HAHAHA It was never about money though. We spent most of our time in crazy outfits showing the public how much we really just didn't car, or spent it inside the house watching movies and eating chips, cheese, and the salsa that you told me was your familys company. I met you in 6th grade, and you were an angel then. Thank you for being such a good friend to me over the many years of our friendship. Like when my car died and you seen me walking on the side of the road, so you scooped me and ditched out your other plans for me, taco bell, and all of my movies. I don't think I'd be as carefree, and fun of a person if it weren't for you. I love you so much, spins. I will continue to miss you for the rest of my life. As for now, I can only remember our crazy, weird, wish we could make more, good times.
Aunt Jeannie
Lindsay Rose.....I think about you everyday.I remember you being at St paschall carnival and coming up to me and asking for 3 dollars. i remember how beautiful you were. I think you were about 14.Linsday i love you and im glad you are out of your pain and i know you are looking down on all of us saying i wish you were here with me and jesus.If you can hear me your momma loves and misses you so much,actually everyone does.You touched so many peoples lives.Its amazing.I am glad you were my neice.Someday will be together.      I LOVE YOU LINDSAY ROSE>



linny today is soo nice out and it makes me miss you even more. i wish i could come pick you up and just go drive around creepin. lol we were so crazyy. those were the good ol days. i miss you so much biff. i wish i could just see you one more time and tell you i love you. i cant wait til i see you again. i love you Z. <3 you were the best friend i ever had.

Lins you are so beautiful and I miss every single day theres not a day that goes by that i do not think of you. i would give anything to get just one day back! I miss your fun loving attitude about life, you were never sad always happy even when you were going through the hardest thing in your life you still smiled. I remember when we went to pick up your car after you just got your new rims put on it and your mom was like be careful lin and then you go peeling out of the driveway. lol days like that i miss the most. I love you so much sweet girl.
Jess Remelius
Lindsay, I remember the first day I met you, 7th grade year. I could never forget meeting the nicest person I've had in my life. We hadn't known each other for more than a day when you asked me to go to Frankenmuth with you and your family. The awesome car drive, walking around the amazing Christmas store, and buying matching mouse pajamas from Aeropostale. Haha, man do I love that picture your mom took of us. From that day on I knew we were going to be friends forever! Thank you for being such an amazing friend. I love you so much Lin, and I can't wait to see you again.<3
Missing you Lindsay Rose, last new years eve you were so excited about being done with chemo and in remission. You went shopping for a glitzy shirt and you looked so pretty in it. You had fun at the party and you called me at midnight and wished me a Happy New Year. I long to hear your voice again. We were so close, it is so hard to go on without you. We always did everything together and I am lonely for you. I love you so and I am sending you a kiss up in heaven, Happy New Years baby girl. Love mom
Nikki Beesley
You have always been sassy since the day you were born.   Even though there was such a big age difference between us you always ran the show.   You have been aggervating Nathan since the day he was born and yelling at me since you could talk...and i wouldn't have it any other way.  Even though you were sassy you still had a heart of gold.   I LOVE YOU LINDSAY ROSE!!
Lindsay, I have a million memories of you. From the day you were born with so much hair and half was brown like mama and half was blonde like daddy. You walking at eight months, doing the splits at three years old, riding a bike at four years old. You never sat still. You walked into kindergarten with your long brown hair down to your butt. Making homecoming queen, prom,  graduation. Thank you sweetheart for being a joy to raise. I love you and mama will see you soon! 
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